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List of Current donations To adwan kebabian

Adwa and Surrounding Development  Association

ማሕበር ልምዓት ዓድዋን ኸባቢኣን

Established ዝተጣየሸሉ 2014...EIN-46-5671222

Empowering Dreams, ሕልምታትና ነግህዶ

"Join us in the Journey to Eradicate Poverty and Foster Sustainable Development in Adwa and Beyond. Your Support, Their Future – Let's Make a Lasting Impact Together!"

ንሕበር። ድኽነት ንምጥፋእን ውሑስ ዕብየት ንዓድዋን ከባቢአን ንምምፃእን።
ሓገዝኩም ሓገዝክን -ንብሩህ መፃኢ ወገናትና፣። ዘለቐታዊ ፍታሕ ብሕብረትና ነረጋግፅ።


To be announced

Atlanta event and the youth sport materials project

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Dear members and donors, we believe transparency and accountability is our top priority.

 ግልፅነት ተሓታትነትን ዓብይ ምስክርና እዩ፥ገንዘብ ዝምልከት ኣብዚ ወብሳይት ኣቲኹም ኹሉ ዝርዝር ተመልከቱ       


Adwa and Surrounding Development Association is a non-profit association, which focuses on the purpose of supporting developmental activities of the underserved communities of Adwa region, neighboring cities ,and villages /Ethiopia in general on their journey for sustainable end of poverty.  It has no political affiliation to any institution or party.

ማሕበር ልምዓት ዓድዋን ኸባቢኣን (ማልዓኸ) ካብ ትርፊን ፖለቲካዊ ወገናውነት ነጻ ኾይኑ ብተወለድትን ፈተውትን እቲ ከባቢ ዝተቋቖመ ንወረዳ ዓድዋን ኣብ ከባቢኣን ዝርከባ ከተማታትን ግጠራትን ብሓፈሻ ድማ ንትግራይን ኢትዮጵያን ምዕባለ ዝሰርሕ ማሕበር’ዩ፡:

Volunteering Toget Equip for AdwaHos

Volunteering Toget Equip for AdwaHos

Houston for AdwaHospital

Houston for AdwaHospital

Houston residents volunteering , to send medical equipment to Adwa Hospital

Unloading  Medical equipment

Unloading Medical equipment

Unloading medical equipment in Dallas

Gere Volunteering

Gere Volunteering

donation Received May2016

donation Received May2016

march12 2016 asda

march12 2016 asda





Based on majority vote this will be ASDA's logo....ኣርማ ማሕበር ልምዓት ዓድዋን ኸባቢኣን ብውሳነኹም መሰረት...

ASDA has delivered  the Donation to Adwa Hospital

ASDA has delivered the Donation to Adwa Hospital

Adwa hospital staff saying thank you for the donation of medical equipment

Donated Microscope 2B sent2Adwa Hosp

Donated Microscope 2B sent2Adwa Hosp

An individual donor has donated the microscope, ASDA will send it to Adwa hospital soon

Donated Centrifuge 2B sent2Adwa Hosp

Donated Centrifuge 2B sent2Adwa Hosp

An individual donor has donated the Centrifuge , ASDA will send it to Adwa hospital soon

Oxygen concentr Donated To Adwa Hosp

Oxygen concentr Donated To Adwa Hosp

Two oxygen concentrators have been received by Adwa hospital...other three will be sent soon from USA

Pulsoximeter Donated to AdwaHospital

Pulsoximeter Donated to AdwaHospital

20 pulsoximeter have been received by Adwa Hospital

suction machines donatedTo AdwaHosp

suction machines donatedTo AdwaHosp

Five suction machines have been received by Adwa hospital

ASDA Laptop book.png

ASDA Laptop book.png

ASDA LondonUK patient monitor.png

ASDA LondonUK patient monitor.png

ASDA London have purchased 10 patient monitors and will send them soon to Adw Hospital

ASDA don ekg.png

ASDA don ekg.png

Medical Equipment forAdwa Hosp 2015

Medical Equipment forAdwa Hosp 2015

We are purchasing Oxygen Conentrators, Suction Machines, and Puls Oximeters. Similarly, Medical equipment, medical textbook, atmospheric oxygen concentrator, Pediatric BP, Ultrasonography, abdominal surgery kit, surgery kit, cardio topography, power beds, and more are among others that any generous person or organization can provide. To Adwa Hospital



adwa hospital laundary 2015

adwa hospital laundary 2015

Adwa mountains

Adwa mountains

Adedtat Australia

Adedtat Australia



Adwa Hospital Project design

Adwa Hospital Project design

thanks Canada.png

thanks Canada.png

Mountains of Adwa

Mountains of Adwa



australia May 30

australia May 30

ASDA Australia fundraising event to Help Adwa Hospital

adwa chur.jpg

adwa chur.jpg



To Donate ሓገዝ ንምሃብ:

WELLS FARGO BANK: Adwa and Surrounding Development Association. Saving Account number = 8023820866 Routing Number = 111900659    -  
ኣብ ኢትዮጵያን ፥ ኻልእ ኸባቢን ዘለና ባንኪ ቑጽሪ:1000098935251,
ቕርንጭፍ:ፍንፍኔ  Commercial Bank, Adwa & Surrounding Development Association.
     OR Use ወይ ድማ-

May 09, 2017

Sport Materials to the Youth

Project Title :  Sport materials to the Youth

Project owner:  Adwa and Surrounding Development Associations- USA, London, Australia, Israel, Ethiopia


To help the young generation  with sport materials to be a well disciplined and productive  citizens and to  develop the participation of our region in several sport activities  by creating the opportunity to Adwa and surrounding villages- Adwa Town, WeiLeke, and Merebleke areas( selected based on their well organized information and by the  drawing  made to narrow down the scope). The sport materials include, soccer Balls, volleyball balls, soccer suits, volleyball suits, swimming suits, athletes shoes, soccer shoes, Tennis Tables,  Rackets ,tennis balls and related materials.

ASDA USA  Budget:  Birr 243,000. Each Birr 81,000.00

Financing :

fundraising and ASDA 2017 dinner party, Atlanta,


Committee from ASDA Ethiopia and respective Youth Associations of the towns selected will work together and implement by July 17, 2017.

Control: ASDA representatives, the club members, and town administration will do follow-up meeting every three months


the demand and supply are not close enough; the demand is extremely high. ASDA alone can not cover all the cost.

Cost Information- Based on the current market of Ethiopia, all materials will be purchased from Ethiopia.

January 01, 2020

Second Round Donation to Adwa Hospital

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

January 10, 2017

ሓዱሽ ኣስፋልት ናይ ዓድዋ ከተማ

ካብ መቀለ ብ ቴንብየን ገይሩ ን ዓድዋ ዝመፅእ ሓዱሽ ኣስፋልት ናይ ዓድዋ ከተማ

ኣስፋልት ካብ እንዳ ገብርኤል ናይ ቀደም ዒዳጋ ዝጅምር ብብራንዳ ሓጂ ዓብዱ ገይሩ ብእንዳ መድሓኒኣለም ናይ ቀደም

መናሃርያ ገይሩ ብእንዳ ስላሴ እንዳ እንጨይቲ ሓሊፉ ብ እንዳ ኣብርሃ ተስፋሁነይ ገይሩ ብሺግን ጣብያ ስታድዬም

ገይሩ ብማይዓሳ ሓሊፋ ብዓዲ ማሕላካ ገይሩ ናብ ኣልመዳ ጨርቃ ጨርቂ ፍብርካ ዝገጥም ሓዱሽ ኣስፋልት ፅርግያ

እናትዛዘመ እዩ 


ኣካባቢ ብየማነ ሓጎስ fb 

ዓድዋ ታሕሳስ 05/04/2009.ዓ.ም

November 27, 2016

Medical Equipment from LA Airport

we will have detail about the medical equipment collected from donorS and purchased  by donors contribution.. It wasfrom Losangeles airport to Ethiopia  on Nov 1, 2016, it is in custom process.

The challenges on the process will be a great lesson to our future projects.

Thank you all donos and ASDA members for  the dedication and hard work.

September 21, 2016

 ዕንዃዕ ድሓን መፁ 

 ዕንዃዕ ድሓን መፁ 

እሞ እነሀ ምላሽ ፃዊዕት ንኣባልትን ሓገዝን ይቕፅል ኣሎ::

ዶክተር ኢሳያስ ገብረየሱስ ካብ ዊስኮንሲን ሓገዝ 200ዶላር /paypal/ብተውሳኺ ናይ ኣባልነት 60 ብምኽፋል ወገናውነቶም ገሊፆም ኣለዉ ፥ ክቡር ዶክተር  ብሞዮምኦምውን ንዓድዋ   ኸባቢኣን ዓብይ ሓገዝ ከምዝልግሱ  ንኣምን፥ ዕንዃዕ ድሓን መፁ 

ኣብ ቴሊኮንፈረንስ ተራኺብና  ሓሳባት ክንለዋወጥ ኢና፥ ስልክና ኣብ ወብሳይትና ኣሎ፥

ኩላትና ኣባላት ከምቲ ዝተባህለ ሓደሽቲ ኣብላት ንኸነምፅ 

ንስራሕ፨ንዓድም ኣብ ክልተ ወርሒ ዉሽጢ ሓደ ኣባል ነፍሰወከፍና  ኣይነምፅእን???

ኢቲ ኣብ ሎስ ኣንጀለስ ዘሎ ኣቕሑ ሕድሕድ  ትሕዝቶ  ካርቶናት ምቑፅራን ምምዝጋብን  ብጉዱሳት ወገናትና  ኣይተ ተወልደን  ኣይተ ሃይለን ይዛዘም ኣሎ ስልዚ ምኒስትሪ ጥዕና ዝሓተቶ ምላሽ ረኺቡ ኣብቀረባ ንዓድና ክኸይድ እዩ፥ 

Welcome Dr Essayas ! from Wisconsin. 

We are pleased to have you as a donor and a member!

Your professional support  to help Adwa and surrounding is also appreciated.

please join us on the upcoming teleconference.

 thank you, 


Our brothers,  Tewelde and Haile are working tirelessly on counting and packaging each content of every box. Soon after that, they will send up to 1100 Kg/volumetric weight of medical equipment to Ethiopia.

September 21, 2016

ASDA London donated 13,000 pound

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let's give  a BIG THUMBS UP to our brothers and sisters  one of our ASDA team - London group,,for their tireless work to collect donations, buy equipment, and Ship them to our ADWA Hospital at cost of 13,000 Pound sterling or 16,900 US Dollars , or 371,000 Birr.  Let's say Thank You and support them again to do more.

The hospital already has started serving the people with the new machines...

Special thanks to our Brother  Berhane Negash and his Team as well as to all  participated in this act of  Good Will such as our brother  Seife Meles and all team members in Ethiopia.
Thank you!

Here are the invoice and  donation acceptance form/Model19

All pictures 

Purchasing Medical Equipment

July 31/2015

Some of the sellers who made final deal with ASDA have sent their account information.The payment remittance is on process. After the money is deposited in their account, the equipment will be delivered to the hospital, . We are waiting for the remaining two sellers(oxygen concentrator...) to do the same. Similarly , We will buy some more Oxygen concentrators from USA, as per the Hospital request. The hospital will....

Help Adwa Hospital

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Everything we are doing is based on the Hospital's need, we were communicating with the Hospital administration since the beginning of the projects(laundary and Xray).  On May 2, 2015, we had a great meeting(teleconference) with members from Mekele, Addisababa, Adwa hospital, USA, and Canada. Based on the reasons mentioned on the letter sent from the Hospital(ቑፅሪ 5057/108 :28/07 /07), there will be a change on the current xray project(please read their letter for detail). Therefore,................

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773-997-0245, 405-830-1981

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​Contact Us: 773-997-0245, 405-830-1981

© 2015 @ASDA, Design:Fessehaye

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