Welcome! እንኳዕ ደሓን መፃኹም!
Adwa and Surrounding Development Association is a 2014 USA registered non-profit association is dedicated to support Adwa and surrounding villages, towns,and Tigray/Ethiopia, in general by transferring technology and knowledge with the help of families sisters, brothers and lovers of the people of the city of Adwa , and neighboring cities(such as Maiknetal, Werilke/EdagaArbi, Feresmay-Hahayle,Merbleke, Ramma- Adiarbaete, Enticho,adi-Ahferom Embasineity, Nebelet, dibdbo,Endabagerima, EndauneTshima, Yeha,... and other villages). Its mission is to support the community in education, health, youth development and other sectors in coordination with the Wereda administrators.
ንወረዳ ዓድዋን ኣብ ከባቢኣን ዝርከባ ከተማታትን ገጠራትን ብሓፈሻ ድማ ንትግራይን ኢትዮጵያን ኣብ ተክኖሎጅን ፍልጠትን ስግግርን ኻልኦትን ንምሕጋዝ ትሰርሕ ማሕበር እያ:: 2014 ኣብ ኣሜሪካ ተመስሪታ::
Our Team
All registered members
Participate in every activity
Fessehaye W
Gerezgher W
Fisseha K
Public Relations
PLease Join us , we need your knowledge and experience****
ኣባልነት ብምፍፃም ብፍልጠትኩምን ልምድኹምን ሓግዙና

We are dedicated to support Adwa and surrounding villages, towns,and Tigray/Ethiopia, in general. by transferring technology and knowledge.
Our Slogan

"ንወረዳ ዓድዋን ኣብ ከባቢኣን ዝርከባ ከተማታትን ገጠራትን ብሓፈሻ ድማ ንትግራይን ኢትዮጵያን ኣብ ተክኖሎጅን ፍልጠትን ስግግርን ኻልኦትን ንምሕጋዝ ክንሰርሕ ኢና፥፥
-To support the ongoing developmental activities of the people of Adwa and surrounding of Tigray region in Ethiopia by transferring technology and knowledge
-To assist educational services by providing necessary assistance to assure education for all
-To support quality health services by providing technology, medical equipment, training and other related support
-To encourage and support the youth by providing necessary support, developing their working culture, engaging in extracurricular activities, serving the community, and participating in recreational activities such as sports, art, culture, and history
-To assist farmers and youth to participate in irrigation, agricultural, and animal product sectors
-To be source of information for tourists, investors, and volunteers, researchers, and Diaspora
-To give reward and recognize individuals and institutions for their positive impact in the society such as volunteering, giving training, transferring knowledge, and technology
-To support excellence of administrative personnel and production workers of different sectors of the region through training with cooperation of other institutions and individuals or groups
-To work with other local and foreign non-profit organizations for development of the region and the country at large
-To participate in basic skills training enterprises in order to reduce the number of unemployed people in the region by increasing job creativity
-To participate in any lawful activity in promoting the stated charitable purpose of the association
To help the people of Adwa, neighboring cities, and villages in their struggle against poverty with a focus on education, health, medical equipment, training skills, small and micro enterprises, and related developmental activities of the regional state and country Ethiopia in general.
ንወረዳ ዓድዋን ኣብ ከባቢኣን ዝርከባ ከተማታትን ገጠራትን ብመዳይ፡ ትምህርትን ጥዕናን ቴክንካዊ ስልጠናታትን ንኣብ ኣናእሽቱን ደቅቕትን ግልጋሎታት ዝተዋፈሩ ወገናትን ተዛምድቲ ልምዓታዊ ንጥፈታት ክልልናን ሃገርናን ንዝግበር ጻዕሪ ንምሕጋዝ ዝተቋቖመ ማሕበር’ዩ፡:
To assist our people of Adwa., neighboring villages, towns, Tigray and Ethiopia in general to become a poverty and dependency free society by accessing affordable, quality health, educational services, technologies, skills, and basic infrastructures.
ኻብ ድኽነትን ተጸባይነትን ነጻ ዝኾነ ግልጋሎት ትምህርትን ጥዕናን መሰረተ ልምዐትን ቴክኒሎጂን ዝተማልእሉ ወገናት ህዝቢ ዓድዋን ኸባቢኣን ብሓፈሻ ድማ ክልልና ትግራይን ኢትዮጵያን ራእይ ሒዙ ዝተቋቖመ ማሕበር’ዩ፡: