Projects and investment options.
Adwa and suurrounding villages have massive natural resources that can attract investors. We will updates .....ASDA will have several projects to help Adwa and surrounding villages ...

Adwa hospital has sent the requets..
Based on the reasons mentioned on the letter sent from the Hospital(ቑፅሪ 5057/108 :28/07 /07), there will be a change on the current xray project(please read their letter for detail). Therefore, we are respecting their requests and priority so that there will be no duplication of work and equipment and unnecessary expense.
1-Suction machine(20) 2. Atmospheric Oxygen concentrator(30) 3. Pulsoxemeter(20 ,based on new update). are the first three in the list that they are looking for. These need to be Hospital standard equipment ,functional with Ethiopian Electric system, warranty, and must have spare parts. Now we are using the existing money to purchase as much as we can. We will update after all equipment are delivered. Details are found under "Online documents on firs page link on the right side.

Investment area..idea by SSID
Adwa Shopping Mall and Import and Export
Let us start organizing our selves to invest in a shopping Mall in Adwa and create an Import and Export corporation. We can all be what we want to be. Let me know those of you who have interest and would to join now.SSID

Investment 2
wewill update you soon